Monday 7 September 2009

OK.Video Militia: Choir

video information
directed by Brian Genie, Robet M. Syarif, Dimas Djunaedi, Maulani Gani
websites: RuangRupa & OK.Video
produced: 2007/06/06
duration: 6 minutes 30 seconds

From the OK.VIDEO Jakarta International Video Festival 2007. This is a poetic video produced during the OK. Video Militia workshop in Depok which was held alongside with the punk community and the community of street children who like to hang out at the New Depok Station.

(ENGLISH) Depok is the supporting area of the capital city of Jakarta. Situated right on the south of Jakarta, between Jakarta and Bogor, since April 20, 1999, Depok has been designated as a municipality that is distinct from the Regency of Bogor. When it was only an administrative district in 1982, Depok had only 240,000 people, and when it became a municipality in 1999, it already housed 1.2 million people. Many of the older areas in Depok are remnants from the colonial time, and the people still living there are often called 'Depok Dutch'. These areas are being marginalized now. The economic growth of the town is thanks to its existence as an industrial and shopping area, as well as education provider. The presence of the University of Indonesia and the Gunadharma University, with such a huge number of students, make the town lives on the students-related economic activities.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Depok adalah penyangga ibu kota Jakarta. Terletak tepat di selatan Jakarta antara Jakarta-Bogor, sejak 20 April 1999, Depok ditetapkan menjadi kotamadya (sekarang: kota) yang terpisah dari Kabupaten Bogor. Ketika masih menjadi kota Administratif pada 1982, penduduknya hanya 240.000 jiwa, dan ketika sudah menjadi kotamadya pada 1999, penduduknya menjadi 1,2 juta jiwa. Banyak kawasan tua di Depok berupa peninggalan kolonial, dengan warga keturunan yang sering disebut Belanda-Depok yang masih banyak tinggal di sana, sebuah kawasan yang saat ini mulai tergusur. Gairah ekonomi di kota ini, selain sebagai kawasan industri dan pusat perbelanjaan, adalah sebagai kawasan pendidikan. Hadirnya Universitas Indonesia dan Universitas Gunadharma dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang besar, membuat kota ini hidup dari bisnis yang berkaitan dengan keperluan mahasiswa.

(ENGLISH) Workshop in Depok was held alongside with the punk community and the community of street children who like to hang out at the New Depok Station. The community called themselves 'Box House', a name that emerged during the workshop. Seven people participated in the workshop, which took place on May 15 and 16, and resumed on June 3 to June 6, 2007.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Workshop di Depok diadakan bersama komunitas punk dan anak-anak jalanan yang sering berkumpul di Stasiun Depok Baru. Komunitas ini menamakan diri Rumah Kotak, nama yang lahir saat workshop video diadakan. Workshop yang diikuti oleh tujuh orang peserta ini berlangsung mulai 15-16 Mei, dan dilanjutkan kembali 3-6 Juni 2007.

(ENGLISH) The majority of the video works resulting from the workshop talk about train-related activities. Nine of them are: Mau ke Mana? (Where're You Goin'?), Re-load, Pulang – Pergi (Coming and Going), Un-incident (arrival-departure on the train), and De-Ja-Vu; all talk about trains and the community surrounding them. Meanwhile, Sarkem (Pasar Kemiri) (Kemiri Market) talks about the life in the market and the vendors who start coming there from three in the morning. Then there is a poetic video, Choir. There is also a video about a construction from the colonial era, Djembatan Panoes "Riwayatmu Kini" (The Panoes Bridge "Your Story Thus"). Last, there is also the video Dalam Kotak, di Dalam Tralis (Within Box, in the Bars), which is a highly experimental work about the visuals and the reality. Most of the video works show the close relationship between the participants and their immediate environment: the train station.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Video-video yang dihasilkan mayoritas membicakan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kereta api. Sembilan karya video yang dihasilkan antara lain: Mau ke Mana?, Re-load, Pulang-Pergi; Un-incident (arrival-departure on the train) dan De-Ja-Vu, berbicara tentang kereta api dan masyarakatnya. Pada Sarkem (Pasar Kemiri), video ini berbicara tentang bagaimana keadaan pasar dan pedagangnya yang mulai hidup dari jam tiga pagi. Kemudian ada video yang puitik, yaitu Choir. Ada pula video mengenai bangunan sisa-sisa zaman kolonial, yaitu Djembatan Panoes "Riwayatmu Kini". Terakhir, adalah Dalam Kotak, Di Dalam Tralis, sebuah video yang sangat eksperimentatif mengenai visual dan realitas. Sebagian besar video ini memperlihatkan kedekatan partisipan terhadap ruang lingkup hidupnya: stasiun kereta.

Participants: Asep Tatu, Brian Genie, Dimas Djunaedi, Doddy Badja, Maulani Gani, Muhammad Syarif, Rizqi Nirmala
Mentors: Ari Dina Krestiawan & Mahardhika Yudha
Download Hi-Res / Screening Version (36.8 MB)

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