Monday 7 September 2009

OK.Video Militia: Tamasya Reklame (Advertisement Tour)

video information
directed by Singgih AP
websites: RuangRupa & OK.Video
produced: 2007/07/01
duration: 1 minute 50 seconds

Video from the OK.VIDEO Jakarta International Video Festival 2007. This video was produced during the OK. Video Militia workshop in Semarang, held at the Yaitu Art House, involving two other communities: Videot and Kronik Film. Yaitu Art House is a contemporary art gallery, Videot community is a group of art students form the State University of Semarang, and Kronik Film is the Students' Activity Unit of the Diponegoro University. Eighteen participants took part in the workshop; most of them were students or artists.

(ENGLISH) The low-lying region of Semarang is known as the Lower Town and often suffers from flood, which in some areas is caused by seawater overflow. The southern part of Semarang, which lies on high land, is known as Upper Town. Semarang has the art of warak ngendhog and dugdheran, held around the Moslem fasting month of Ramadan. The Chinese community of Semarang, through the community of Kopi Semawis (the Community of Semarang's Chinatown for Tourism), often holds the Semawis Market, a fair selling miscellaneous food of Semarang. This is such a big Chinese community which helps grow the economy, trade, and tourism in the city, that the city of Beiha in southern China proposes to be Semarang's 'Sister City'. Semarang has the slogan of 'ATLAS' (literally means 'map' but is actually an acronym for the Indonesian words meaning Safe, Orderly, Smooth, Beautiful, and Healthy). Aside from it, Semarang is a city actively preserving the heritage building and maintains the traditions and constructions it retained from the Dutch and the Chinese. Some of the heritage sites are still preserved and become tour destinations, as well as locations for various Indonesian films.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Dataran rendah di Semarang dikenal dengan nama Kota Bawah dan sering dilanda banjir yang disejumlah kawasan disebabkan oleh luapan air laut (rob). Bagian selatan Semarang yang berupa dataran tinggi dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Atas. Semarang memiliki seni budaya warak ngendhog dan dhugdheran yang diadakan menjelang bulan Ramadhan. Komunitas Tionghoa di Semarang, melalui perkumpulan Kopi Semawis (Komunitas Pecinan Semarang untuk Pariwisata) sering mengadakan Pasar Semawis, yakni pasar malam yang menjual berbagai makanan dan oleh-oleh khas Semarang. Komunitas Tionghoa ini cukup besar dan turut memajukan ekonomi, perdagangan, dan pariwisata, sehingga terjadi sebuah penawaran kerjasama dari kota Beiha (kota di selatan Cina) untuk mengadakan program "Sister City" dengan Semarang. Kota Semarang memiliki slogan sebagai kota ATLAS (Aman, Tertib, Lancar, Asri, dan Sehat). Selain itu, Semarang adalah kota yang aktif memelihara tradisi "bangunan kota lama" serta tradisi dan peninggalan Belanda dan Cina. Beberapa situs peninggalan itu masih ada dan menjadi tempat tujuan wisata, juga lokasi berbagai pembuatan film Indonesia.

(ENGLISH) The OK. Video Militia workshop in Semarang was held at the Yaitu Art House, involving two other communities, i.e. Videot and Kronik Film. Yaitu Art House is a contemporary art gallery, while the Videot community is a group of art students form the State University of Semarang, and Kronik Film is the Students' Activity Unit of the Diponegoro University. Eighteen participants took part in the workshop; most of them were students or artists.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Workshop OK. Video Militia di Semarang dilakukan di Rumah Seni Yaitu, dengan melibatkan dua komunitas lainnya, Videot dan Kronik Film. Rumah Seni Yaitu adalah sebuah galeri seni rupa kontemporer, sementara komunitas Videot adalah kelompok mahasiwa senirupa dari Universitas Negeri Semarang, dan Kronik Film adalah Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Universitas Dipenegoro. Workshop diikuti oleh delapanbelas peserta yang mayoritas adalah mahasiswa dan seniman.

(ENGLISH) The workshop in Semarang produced ten video works. Mari Berhitung Leo (Let's Count Leo's Way) is about the unique way that a shop has to counting how much its customers have spent. Koma (Comma) and Sugeng Enjang (Good Morning) tells of the history of the old town, while Urban Traffic recounts the road activities that the youth have on Saturday night. Tamasya Reklame (Advertisement Tour) is about the huge number of advertisements along Semarang's main road. Support Your Local Alcohol is about the favorite drink of youth in Semarang. Icon tells of the buildings in Semarang, while Semarang Underwater and Rob (Seawater Overflow) are experimental video works combining reality, history, and the city in a distinct way.
(BAHASA-INDONESIA) Workshop di Semarang menghasilkan sepuluh karya video. Karya-karya video itu adalah Mari Berhitung Leo, tentang keunikan cara menghitung belanja di sebuah warung. Koma dan Sugeng Enjang, tentang sejarah kota tua. Urban Traffic, tentang kegiatan anak-anak muda di jalanan pada malam Minggu. Tamasya Reklame, tentang banyaknya reklame di sepanjang jalan utama Semarang. Support Your Local Alcohol, tentang minuman kesukaan anak-anak muda di Semarang. Icon, tentang bangunan di Semarang; Semarang Underwater dan Rob merupakan video eksperimentatif memadukan realitas, sejarah dan kota dalam visual yang sangat berbeda.

Participants: Adin, Anggita Putri, Anton, Damar, Diah Sekar, Ferintus, Gita Kriska, Khori, Putri Amanda, Nahyu, Nunu, Ratri, Ridho, Rizki, Rofikin, Shesa, Singgih AP, Wulandari
Mentors: Charles Tirayoh & Ari Dina Krestiawan
Download Hi-Res / Screening Version (17.5 MB)

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